
Living by Grace through Faith.

Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing


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photo credit: 1 via photopin (license)

Do you every find yourself an hour into “researching” on the Internet only to ask, “why did I spend my time doing that and where did the time go?”  You then realize that you already knew the answer before you started and your life is no richer for the time spent.

I find myself drawn away at times.  It could be a deal I can’t miss, something to make me look younger, something to impress others, something to improve my life in some way, shape, or form.  At times there can be very helpful information at our fingertips.  At other times, we are distracted and left empty.

What if we could see the traps before we fall for them.  What if we could tell the difference between temporary fixes and lasting solutions.  That would be the discernment of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus was clear that “the pagans run after all these things” (Mt 6:32).  What happens when His sheep do too.  Well, we come up empty and we can tell that this is not really the abundant life He intends for us.  Sooner or later we find that we are anxious, tired, disillusioned, or simply daunted that we need to ride the roller coaster another 1000 feet up for the next thrill.

Time to exit the ride.

Time to follow the lead of the Spirit and find that path that brings satisfaction and fulfillment in ways we could not figure out in our own strength.

How do we follow the Spirit?

By keeping the main thing the main thing.  Our deepest needs revolve around what can only be found in the depths of God’s intimate love for us: to know that we are so intimately known and loved,  to know that we are valued with a price too high for monetary enumeration, a price paid with “all”.

There is only one transaction in which everything was paid for something. 

Never before and never again has someone paid with their sweat, blood, perfect endurance, flawless mercy, and unending love.  Words are not enough to relay what was given for us.  The main thing would be growing into that place where the knowledge of the cross of Christ becomes something we feel in our very heart.  Where it becomes real that we are at this moment in time so valued that no one and no price could come close at replacing our value.


Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. – Philippians 4:8


We love him, because he first loved us. -1 John 4:19


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